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Principal鈥檚 Welcome to 2023

Friday, 03/03/2023 Posted by: Emmerson Grey

Greetings and welcome to the 2023 Academic year!

Personally, it is a humble pleasure for me to be given the privilege to lead 香港六合彩资料网 in 2023. I am so grateful for the efforts of Mr Graham Baird and all those who have built the house, loved it and guided it over many years to become the place that it is now. My 3 children are also super excited to join the NCC student body and can鈥檛 wait to be an active part of this community.

I thank you for inviting me and my family into this incredible school community and can鈥檛 wait to get to know you and serve with you.

With this exciting new chapter comes change and at times change can be a little scary for us. But we are reminded in the Bible in 2 Timothy 1:7 that 鈥淕od has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of sound judgement.鈥 For those of us who have apprehensions about the future, this is wonderful news.

As we look into the future, let us also not forget the past and the way that God has led us. Ellen White, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church founder, says, 鈥榳e have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history鈥.

The point? As we drive forward into 2023, don鈥檛 forget to look in the rear vision mirror once and a while. Don鈥檛 forget to look at your journey, your story, your walk with Jesus our Saviour. How are you going on the journey? Need help, or are you in a place whereby you can now help others?

My hope and prayer for you is that we stay close to each other, build each other up and together, give thanks and praise to God.

May the good Lord bless us and keep us as together we humbly serve Him and I look forward to what we can achieve together in 2023!


Nicholas Thomson